In this new era, mobile apps seem to be extremely predominant. At a drop of a hat people are reaching out for their smartphones or other gadgets to kick start their day. Clearly, apps have become a way of life for several people right from the way they shop to even paying bills there is an app for virtually everything. Having said that, it is integral for companies to have
mobile apps to support their sales and business strategies. If you are a marketing professional and want to make your mark with enterprise mobile apps, present value and create apps which make people find valuable enough to utilize often. Here are a few tips on how to build effective apps- For apps to be effective, putting in too much information will not work. On the contrary, create apps like you would build a campaign landing page, with a single call to action. Building mobile applications to support individual products, services, or events that you want to promote is a far better approach. Keep targeted campaigns in mind not huge apps. Apps that are typically focused on
marketing should be designed to go viral, which mean apps must be at par with generic app stores. That means building amateur apps or apps developed particularly for use on a specific gadget. Users today want their apps to show up in the “What’s Hot” list in the App Store. This means that you build native apps that can be distributed via the mass-market app stores (Android Market, iTunes App Store, BlackBerry App World). Or you can use an enterprise mobility platform that can smoothly develop apps and have them ready for distribution. When you pay a company to build an app for you, that app really represents a moment in time the time when you determined the requirements which might have been a year ago. That app, possibly with obsolete functionality, will stay that way until you again pay a developer to make changes. However, if you leverage a mobile enterprise application platform you can focus on content rather than coding, easily making changes as necessary without third party assistance. In fact, you can design a feature today and update it tomorrow, across multiple devices. Most users download an app and use it once. If you can add content and features based on their feedback, you raise your stickiness. In conclusion, whenever you do create mobile apps it is vital to concentrate on resolving specific customer queries. Looking at it practically, you also need to be able to get your apps out to the market in general, and have a platform quick enough to adjust to the ever evolving customer needs. The real focus, however, should work around customer needs, which is why marketing people should be a driving force behind B2C mobile app development. Website Jungle is a New York based digital marketing, web development and mobile app development company.