From being extremely high-priced to being uncertain owing to the bring your own device (BYOD) strategies, enterprise mobility seems to be affected by a common set of myths that specially stave off start ups, as well as small or medium enterprises from embracing enterprise mobility and appreciating the advantages. The omnipresent agreement of mobile devices in the enterprise has unchained productivity profits and cost savings that could not have been imagined only a couple of years ago. However, these gadgets have also developed a collection of new concerns, as well as challenges for business and IT personnel. These concerns revolve around technical issues, as well as practical and political issues, including the BYOD campaign. Let us take a closer look at these enterprise mobility related concerns:-
Act of stabilizing It is often seen on one hand, enterprise end users want mobile apps to work just the same way, whether it is a consumer application or a business application. While they might appreciate the want for increased level of protection, they vote with their usage and it is directly affected by how easy is the app to use. Enterprise IT on the other hand is concerned regarding preserving enterprise information, making certain the right device/user is using the infrastructure, etc. In most cases this creates a latent conflict leading to either a lack of mobile
app adoption by end users or insecure/fragmented enterprise infrastructure.
Climbing up mobile usage This is surely a pocket-book issue for the enterprise. How do they take a ton of boxes that were built for a laptop at home connecting maybe once or twice a week by 10% of employees to adopt to 100% of employees using mobile apps that connect into the enterprise infrastructure incessantly. There is no real acute way to resolve this escalade issue. Several vendors who construct enterprise infrastructure for the laptop generation, cannot convert it to mobile usage patterns, be it architecture or commercial models.
Time to market Competitive pressures, the introduction of new products, the need to update existing applications and new platform releases all cause an increase in demand for mobile apps. This need for new and constantly updated
mobile apps outstrip the capacity and capabilities of the IT department within an organization, creating a back-up. Since this issue is so relevant, several line of business (LOB) executives are forming their own mobile development teams or outsourcing the development projects. We hear frightening stories about obsolete apps sitting in the app stores waiting to be updated or the need to port current iOS apps to Android. It’s a process that ceases to end. Website Jungle is a New York based digital marketing, web development and mobile app development company.