In order to concentrate on mobile users, you cannot simply replicate your computer focused web marketing game plan for
mobile devices. Incorporating this will not get you success, on the contrary you will miss out on a tremendous possibility brought to you by mobile
marketing. The competition is stiff in comparison to the value of the mobile market. Below are a few pointers to help you get ahead of your mobile marketing game plan. Smart phone users as opposed to Tablet users While marketing for mobile users, you will be speaking to two contrasting set of users: smartphone users and tablet users. Both are extremely worthwhile, but each have distinct targets up their sleeve. A tablet user is what you call a “browser”. They possibly do not have the time look up information and do in depth analysis. You need to get your value proposition across, showing them your high-res images of whatever you might be selling, getting them engrossed further into your content. A smartphone user typically focuses on wrapping up what he is designated to do. They are always out and about and are constantly pulling their phone out to achieve something in particular. For the most part they are aware of what website they’re going to and if they don’t they look it up quickly. The website that they come across should be easy to navigate otherwise they will move on to something else. Track mobile users The toughest thing about tracking mobile users is that they tend to use separate devices for different tasks. They may use a tablet to do their research and then purchase on a desktop (where they feel more comfortable doing so). Tracking that same person from one device to the other is quite tough. Even Google Chrome’s feature that enables a user to open a tab in one device that is already open in another doesn’t carry cookies with it. Mobile SEO Even though there is a lot of buzz about how mobile is “changing everything”, mobile search engine results are quite similar to desktop results. Mobile results only have more of a focus on local aspect. For example, a search for a bakery on a desktop will show you a seven-pack of bakers in your city, ranked by reviews, along with six other localized results that rank organically (that are not already in the seven-pack). On a mobile device, you will probably see a seven-pack of bakers within one mile of your exact location, ranked by reviews, plus the nine websites that rank organically. Website Jungle is a New Jersey based digital marketing, web development and mobile app development company.