You may know when the best times are to post to social media, but what about when NOT to post? In last week’s
Social Scoop by Mari Smith, she shared “the DEAD zones”, or when NOT to post. Here is a quick re-cap of the “dead zones”, the
worst times to post on social media by platform: Twitter: 8pm – 8am, the worst days being Saturday and Sunday
Facebook: 12 – 8 AM, the worsts days being Saturday and Sunday
LinkedIn: 9am – 5pm, Monday and Friday being the worst days
Tumblr: 12am – 12pm
Instragram: 12am – 8pm
Pinterest: 1am – 7am and 5pm – 7pm
Google +: 6pm – 8am Of course this is not set in stone and a lot of this depends on what kind of business you are in and target audience you are trying to reach. What do you think – do you agree that these are in fact dead zones for social media posts? Share your feedback with us on our
Facebook Page.