According to Crain’s, there are over 190k small businesses in New York City alone. These are firms with less than 500 employees, and that is only the officially counted firms and not smaller startups, sole enterprises, and all of the rest. In other words, NYC is a wildly competitive place for businesses of any kind. This is one of the most significant reasons for giving close attention to SEO. After all, SEO stands for “search engine optimization” and it is what results in your company ending up on the first page of results when a potential client is searching for the products or services you make available. In the past, your New York firm may have considered
SEO strictly through the filter of your website and/or marketing messages. Today, though, it is a great deal more complex than you might realize. Search engine optimization occurs through your social media marketing, your web content, your press releases, your videos, and may even improve through the best web design. For instance, if you are running a brick and mortar business in New York, you want your firm to show up first in mobile search engine results. Google is very appreciative (even recommends) that you create a responsive website rather than an individual site for mobile users. If that is confusing, then it is likely you will need to hire a professional web design firm to help you with this somewhat challenging issue. When done, though, your site will intuitively adjust for display on a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or computer. It will all be done through a single URL, meaning that your social media posts point back to your site (boosting your rank in search engine results), that your viewers will get the best experience, and that the work you do with your
web design and marketing team will pay off at optimal levels at all times. Source
http://mycrains.crainsnewyork.com/stats-and-the-city/2011/small-business/number-of-small-businesses Website Jungle is a New York based website design company and Digital Agency.