Thank you for joining our seminar! Here is the presentation from the evening: Listen to what attendees had to say: We are hosting an informative seminar on Thursday, March 6th on Online Marketing: Translating Your Digital Marketing Efforts Into Revenue. In this digital age, the World Wide Web is the yellow pages and if your company or service is not found when consumers are looking, that’s simply lost business! In this seminar, you will learn techniques on how to make your online marketing dollars work for you. Here’s a peek at some of the topics we will cover: • Selecting a website or eCommerce platform
• You have a website but it doesn’t generate the revenues you expected?
• SEO fundamentals: How Google ranks websites
• Creative content writing: Driving traffic through useful, informational and unique content
• Keyword Analysis: Shortlisting and leveraging the most effective keywords
• Pay Per Click (PPC) strategy
• Executive’s guide to Online Marketing goals: Determining you marketing budget and ROI. Value to attendees: Attendees will leave with the knowledge and tools to help plan, implement and monetize online marketing techniques. Google has made several modifications to its algorithm recently. Attendees will come out with clarity on the myths vs. facts that exist today about online marketing techniques and what works and what doesn’t. Wine, refreshments and Hors d’oeuvres will be provided.Date: Thursday March 6, 2014 Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Location:IndieGrove, 121 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07302 Cost: $10 Capacity: Limited to 35 attendees, so reserve your spot now! REGISTER HERE