If you look at the descriptions of mobile development you find online, it tends to mean something along the lines of a process that “allows people to do much more than make a phone call on their mobile phones.” And while that is accurate, you as a New York or New Jersey business owner need to understand how it impacts your goals. Consider that
SmartInsights released its mobile marketing report for 2015 and showed that “mobile media time is now greater than desktop” and that 48% use a mobile search engine to find what they seek. Additionally, 33% go directly to their preferred and branded sites using a mobile device. In as simple a statement as possible: the world is going mobile, and where the world goes, so too must your business and marketing messages. Thus, mobile development for any online, or even brick and mortar, business in NY or NJ is essential. Naturally, it goes beyond building a workable website, choosing the best URL available, and paying for some advertising. Mobile development means aligning your needs to the mobile products and services available. Social media, PPC campaigns, responsive website design are also reasons that your mobile efforts are working or failing. Taking time to run some comparisons between your NY or NJ business and your competition is a smart first step. Are your competitors using Pinterest or have a weekly vlog (video blog)? Perhaps they have done some press releases with each new product or service. These things tie into the ways that mobile development occurs, and if you really begin to scrutinize how a successful competitor is winning out, you’ll see that they are able to smoothly thread all of their efforts together, with the mobile platform as the conduit for it all. Today, you cannot yet go entirely mobile or entirely desktop. People still divide their time between these devices. However, offering an app or responsive web design, making it easy to access your information via mobile sites and search engines is the way to develop the mobile area of your business. So, whether you sell physical goods or services , don’t overlook the incredible significance of well-designed and thoughtful mobile development for your business. Website Jungle is a New York based website design company and Digital Agency.