To grab the observation of your spectators to your social media links you need to use both a good game plan, as well as good taste. When speaking with a viewer about your company, you take into consideration a chance to construct your business, as well as increasing the online presence of your company through successful branding. This begins with compatible design characteristics through out all mediums of your business, and can give you an exclusive benefit in terms of developing brand awareness and customer loyalty if done correctly. If a user is questioning the feasibility of your business due to a lack of awareness, they likely are not going to switch, and a compatible user experience throughout all outlets can resolve this issue by establishing self-assurance and lawfulness in your company, as well as the in eyes of your consumers. Let’s take a look at how you can build brand compatibility by integrating creative design elements from your website into each of these mediums, while still considering the different needs and objectives of each: Instilling email with website design When talking of emails, developing traffic and sales should be your numero uno strategy. It is often seen in most cases that it is just as vital that your spectator is able to communicate with you that a newsletter is coming from your brand. A great place to kick start this is when it comes to
branding your company emails is by incorporating your logo on every one that you send. Most businesses have been doing this from before, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any other game plans that you can use to brand your emails. Another basic and successful method of implementing website layout into emails is to use the same typography your company uses on your website. This again provides awareness, recognition, and give users a high level idea about your brand identity. Social page buttons Make the buttons noteworthy. If you want them to be obvious, make your design extremely attractive. Responsive designs that change color as you scroll over them or increase in size always add a nice touch. Make the buttons look different. If you want them to stand out, make your design stand out. Responsive designs that change color as you scroll over them or increase in size always add a creative touch. You want them to be seen, so positioning depends largely on your design where they fit into that picture. The most common spots in
website design are on the sidebar or in the footer. Be consistent A compatible brand existence throughout multiple online mediums is what will eventually get you to set you apart from competitors and give your users the assurance they need to switch to your company. Wherever possible, incorporate information and design elements in your website which set you apart on your website and refurnish them to certain specifications for other platforms, whether this is in an email, on social media, or on another marketing channel. Social sharing Social sharing is one of the most vital pieces to increase your web information to social media and develop referral traffic. Users today are much more likely to trust a suggestion by a friend over the company itself, so with each social share it not only grows your brand awareness, but increases your referral rate. Ideally whenever a user would want to share your information, there should be a sharing widget. Have a floating sharing widget. Not sure when your readers might share? Have the widget be in the same place no matter where they are on the page. Website Jungle is a New York based digital marketing, web development and mobile app development company.