If you are convinced that maintaining a business website and marketing it well will boost your company’s growth, half the battle has been won. Educated clients who understand the power of the internet driving customers to businesses and connecting businesses to other businesses are usually our best customers and get the most out of their web presence. The first and foremost advantage of digital marketing is that it has leveled the paying field for companies. Smaller companies can now compete with their larger competitors at a fraction of the cost. A robust website can now second as a marketing or sales rep. In fact, sometimes it does better because its less intrusive. The other major advantage is that your website works for you even when you don’t all day, every day. Without exception, your websites can reduce your lead generation cycle. This is reason enough to make an investment in a results-driven website and digital marketing efforts. If you already have a website, there are several steps you can take to improve your online presence and success.
Mobile Friendly Google recently confirmed that the number of searches being done on mobile devices has exceeded those of desktops. Having a responsive website that works seamlessly across different devices and browsers is the new standard. In fact, search engines like google will penalize your ranking if your website is not mobile friendly.
A/B Testing If your website has a high bounce rate (Check Google Analytics), it’s time to see what is driving customers away. Changing the entire website is usually never needed, sometimes little adjustments will yield unexpected results. A/B is a great way to try out new ideas and to gather intel and feedback from the visitors on your site. There are tools like
Validity and
Optimizely that are industry leaders in A/B testing.
SEO Everyone is talking about SEO nowadays and for a reason. SEO can get quite technical, however all major search engines provide extensive information on how to optimize website to improve ranking in SERP results. Do some research on SEO and learn through various tutorials available online, preferably from the search engines themselves. And if your budget allows, hire a professional digital agency to take care of it for you.
Data Collection Mobile sites can prove to be an invaluable tool of data collection for every customer who visits your site. You can ask them to fill questionnaires, surveys or forms. If you do not get a favorable response, try implementing a discount code or promotional offer. If doing this is not your forte, a good website design company can help you stay up to date with the needs of the target audience. Hire a website design company that doesn’t just help with coding your website, hire someone that will provide you digital marketing and consulting services.
E-Commerce Although it may depend on your business model, if you are in the business of selling a product, this might be the best strategy to add additional stream of revenue. Online shopping has seen a significant increase in the last decade. However, do your due diligence. In addition to setting up an online store you will need to implement a good digital marketing plan to get the products in front of the customers. All of the above strategies are not rocket science but time consuming. Find a technical partner or hire a digital marketing resource and make them part of your core marketing team. However, if it’s easier, hire a reputed website design company to make the most of these strategies! Website Jungle is a New York based website design company and Digital Agency.