Building a website is an investment in your company, and as with any investment, once you’ve made it, you’ll want to protect it. That’s why website maintenance is so important to your business’ long term success. Website maintenance is twofold. First there’s the front facing content portion, then there’s the back-end monitoring, security and analytics. Let’s take a closer look at each. When it comes content management on your site, maintenance is key to keeping content fresh and giving visitors a reason to come back to your site time and time again. This site “stickiness” as it is often referred to, can be achieved by add a blog that is updated regularly, posting monthly newsletters or press releases, or having a social or other RSS feed. All of these are simple tools that keep your site relevant. On the back-end of your site, maintenance is just as important. It’s critical to do routine reporting on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis to scan for security issues, monitor data and see where areas of opportunity and improvement lie. Google Analytics is one useful tool, that, if used correctly, can help your business D what’s working and what’s not. In fact, Google makes it easy to see time spent on each page, referring sites, and what keywords are being used to find your site. Once you have that information, it’s just a matter of putting it to work for your business. The more you develop your site, the more it will grow. Website Jungle can help. Our website team has your website maintenance needs covered from content and SEO to security upgrades and new plug-ins. Contact us today at 888-309-3292 to get started.