Acquiring a new customer can be a costly process, so re-marketing to existing customers is a must for businesses looking to retain and grow their fan base. When it comes to communicating, there are 4 digital touch points that can and should work together to reach customers, engage them in conversations and give them a reason to do business with your brand time and time again. After all, customer loyalty is a process – not an isolated event. Here’s what you need to know:
- Websites – Whereas in the past, brand websites were used as one-way communication, today they are much more dynamic, providing a forum for customers to provide product ratings and reviews, comments on company blogs and take part in contests and promotions. A company’s website is still often the first point of interaction for customers and prospects, so its importance is paramount.
- Social media communities – There’s no better place to reach customers than in a forum where they are already having a conversation. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google Plus provide an opportunity for businesses to further extend the reach of customer service by responding to and engaging brand fans. After all, word of mouth marketing still remains one of the most valuable marketing tools.
- Mobile – The mobile revolution is no longer in the stage of early adoption. Now, it’s about making sure that websites are not just viewable on these smart devices, but that they are optimized for users on the go. Businesses that leverage mobile shopping, ads, search and apps can benefit by continuously staying in front of audiences 24/7.
- Email – Brands that offer customers the opportunity to opt-in to email news and promotions are at an advantage – in fact, according to eMarketer, customers trust email advertising more than any other type of ad. It’s important to time content strategically (never spamming customers) and to personalize offers (for greater conversion rates).
Website Jungle has been building websites and developing digital content for clients for over a decade. We’ve worked with clients in industries such as e-commerce, medical, manufacturing and real estate to create websites, mobile sites, email campaigns and social strategy that connects businesses with their target customers in smart and effective ways. To find out more about our digital creative services, contact us today at 888-309-3292.