Wondering how to jump start your new venture in the right direction? Today we’re talking about optimizing your entire site and not just a single page for search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) requires immense research and planning, even though content maybe king but a great integrated search and content strategy is not an easy task. Giving yourself a strong platform to build on is one of the most important parts of doing good SEO that will help put your business on the right path from as soon as a new site goes live. These effective strategies will help start your new venture in the correct direction.
Website must be Optimized for Google The simplest thing you can do to help kick start your new website in terms of SEO is to ensure that your website is indexable by Google. Often people forget to set their pages as indexable, due to which Google can’t properly crawl the page and rank it appropriately. This is extremely critical and can easily become an issue for any business’ new website. Most of the time, when new websites are in the development process the entire domain is set to “nofollow, noindex” in order to keep semi completed pages from showing up in the search engine results. When the page is pushed live, people then forget that this was the case and don’t make the appropriate changes to “follow, index”. Be certain to check this before your website goes live so that it doesn’t happen to you.
Keep Character Count in check Another issue for a new website to focus on is to first have correct meta titles and meta descriptions. It is essential to include keywords you’re actively trying to rank for, but just as important is making sure that each title meets the appropriate character length. Google has recently made changes to their search results, which means that meta titles and meta descriptions are now at about 60 and 120 character limits respectively. It is integral to make sure that each page meets those requirements.Simple ways to check is by using Webmaster Tools, or by doing a site scrape with a tool like Screaming Frog and then plugging each title and meta description into an excel document to see how many characters are on each page.
Stand Apart from your competitors A crucial mistake often seen on new websites are webpages that contain generic content that do not make them any different from their competition. At Website Jungle we understand that having unique content on every webpage is critical for SEO to bel. It is essential to thoroughly research your competitors that rank for the keywords you want to rank for and find ways that you can differentiate from and improve upon the content in that webpage.
Easy Navigation Ideal SEO is a combination of user experience and technical SEO. There is no difference when first starting a website especially when it comes to user navigation and overall page layout on a domain. Having made sure you’ve identified which pages are the most essential to your website and then doing appropriate internal linking will not only help those pages get better rankings in the search results, it will make it easier for users to navigate to appropriate pages. What are your thoughts on SEO strategies? Website Jungle is a New York based digital marketing, web development and mobile app development company.