- Push notifications that add value – If you’ve ever unsubscribed from an e-newsletter because you’ve felt your inbox was being spammed with too much communication, then you understand the need for marketing activities to be balanced and have value. Mobile push alerts are a smart way for brands to engage consumers, but it’s important to make sure that each alert adds value and is a convenience feature for the user.
- Location-based services – One of the beautiful things about mobile marketing is the ability to reach consumers wherever they are. When customers are close to or in stores, apps that provide special offers and location-specific information (such as sales and promotions) can help to increase engagement and sales.
- Social sharing – It seems like this is a no-brainer, but businesses that add a social sharing feature to their app can greatly increase their reach, and benefit from the greatest marketing tool of all: word-of-mouth marketing.
With consumers spending more time on mobile devices than on their PCs, a mobile app is no longer an option – it’s a necessity, in order to remain competitive. And with mobile usage set to overtake PC usage in the next few years, businesses and brands are scrambling to get on board the app revolution. But it’s not just about creating an app for the sake of having one – it has to be user-friendly, fulfilling the very basic needs of the audience. After all, an apps with a bunch of bells and whistles may fail to deliver on what’s really important. So what are the must-have app features for your business? Our mobile experts weigh in on what’s important.