Your business logo is often the first symbol that customers come in contact with when being introduced to your brand. Whether it’s on your business card, your company letterhead, the door of your office or the header of your website, a logo speaks volumes about your company. A well-designed logo can help your company to be instantly recognized, thus building trust and credibility. There’s no secret formula for a well designed logo, although there are some best practices to follow. First off, hire a professional designer. Just as you would employ an accounting expert to do your taxes, and an insurance expert to make sure your business is protected, hiring a professional logo designer will yield the best results for an investment so critical to your company’s success. Steer clear of overcomplicated logos with many colors and wordy type. Consider the fact that your logo may be small enough to fit on a business card and large enough to be on a billboard. Therefore, simple shapes and two-tone logos can often say more than one that is over designed. A professional logo designer should be able to help with this. Make sure to run the logo through a legal and copyright search. The last thing you want to do is plaster your new logo all over everything, only to find out that it’s already in use by another company in your industry. If a logo isn’t working, don’t necessarily scrap it and start anew. First, determine why the logo isn’t connecting with your audience. If you already have equity in the logo, consider a logo evolution, like the Fortune 500 companies do. The longer you keep your logo, the easier it will be for your audience to have top-of-mind awareness of your company. Take Coca-Cola for example – they’ve had the same logo for over 125 years and by no coincidence, they are also the most recognized brand in the world. If you’re thinking about hiring a designer to create a new business logo or evolve an existing one, start by gathering internal input. Document who your company is, who your audience is, what traits characterize your company, what you like/dislike about your current branding, and what you think your competition is doing right or wrong with theirs. Also, do your research and gather external data on your industry. Once you have a clear vision of what you are trying to achieve, you’ll be in a good spot to bring on a 3rd party designer. To learn more about Website Jungle’s logo design process, contact us today.