A recent court ruling in Europe requires Google to remove links from its search results, if that link is irrelevant, outdated or inappropriate. To comply with this ruling, Google has launched a service for citizens of the EU to request that links that they believe are objectionable be removed from search results managed in Google. Google processes more than 90% of search results in Europe. Though this is currently applicable only in the EU, this sets a new precedent that the pro-privacy folks will certainly applaud. On the hind side it poses a challenge to free and open availability of public information. Information of public interest like professional mal practice, criminal conviction and conduct of public officials will have to be kept in mind in implementing this change. It is a very thin line that the government officials and search result providers like Google will have to walk. Once thing is sure, there will be a barrage of requests and search engine operators will have to find a way to vet through this on a case by case basis making it a very expensive and painstaking operation. What do you think about “Right to be Forgotten”?