Acquiring a new customer can be a costly process, so re-marketing to existing customers is a must for businesses looking to retain and grow their fan base. When it comes to communicating, there are 4 digital touch points that can… Read more
An image can make an instant impact – conveying an emotion or triggering an action or a reaction. From a marketing point of view, powerful images are continually used to sell products through print mediums such as billboards and magazine… Read more
A new year always brings buzz about new web design trends, and this year, there are plenty of innovations and developments that are noteworthy. Lately, one of the biggest buzz terms in the web design industry is “responsive design”, which… Read more
The main point of a website is to communicate with visitors. However, most website and business owners are also interested in making a profit. Websites act as a marketing tool, providing information to customers and potential customers. Aside from selling… Read more
Ever wonder why you aren’t getting website traffic? Or why the traffic you are getting is bouncing off after just a few seconds? Website usability testing can answer those questions and more, providing useful insights and findings that can help… Read more